About me, the permanence of internet and the changing future

Hey there, welcome to my little corner of the internet!

Sit comfortably and keep your mind busy with my words that I've put together, if you keep reading this, probably you are interested on knowing a bit more about myself and my interests, what motivates me to wake up every morning or what are my principles.

To start, a bit about who I am, Well, I'm a bit of a mix-up, straddling two countries,Montreal and Barcelona, I am one divided between a mix of two identities, as my life, divided between to countries and those also divided by many diferent cultural identities. It's a balance I've come to embrace – juggling these worlds and soaking up all the learning that comes with it.

The same happens with my two passions art and tech. I move between the two and play with the two concepts to push further one and another.

Regarding my artistic side, I believe it stems from having poor communication skills. I'm in a constant battle to assess and execute the most effective ways to convey ideas or articulate what's happening inside my mind – what I truly aim to communicate. I hope that is not a problem with this post, I will make sure I give my focus and disposable time to make sure the main idea comes across, If not sure I will take time to keep polishing and updating it (Future me: "Sure I did 😉 ").

Telling people how to be creative is easy, it's only being it that's difficult

John Cleese

And now, on the logical side I found joy on organizing things and solving those puzzle-like coding challenges. There's something so satisfying about crafting a slick piece of py code that turbocharges a process. It's like turning a tedious task into a breeze, and I owe that appreciation for order and discipline to my family upbringing, for sure.

And it is with that balance of playfulness and hardcore discipline to tackle new projects in creative ways, not just for me, but for others too.

The way to get there is complicated. For most of my young live I was just burried by the challenge of what being creativity meant, I spend a lot of my time practicing the skill and trying to develop a taste and style. I got the chance to work in many interesting companies, with ones in a life time projects and best of all, teams of people that they are amazing to learn from.

Meanwhile, the code was humming away in the background. Lucky for me, my family noticed my tech affinity early on. so, they helped nurture my education with a course of software development and new technologies. and with that I learned the basics to code this website, to run some e-mail server, how to develop an app, helping me grasp the language of computers. That knowledge became my secret weapon in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of technology as an artist.

Who are we being that people's eyes around us are not shining

Benjamin Zander

And this website? It's my way of corralling all those thoughts and ideas into one neat space. I've seen platforms come and go in popularity, so having a spot I can call my own makes sense, makes sense to me. Here, I can dive into the ideas that flit through my mind, let them mature, and share the refined ones with you.

Of course, I host the site, and ideas change and evolve and mature, so do I, I could easily make and update to the blog, refine some wording but be assure that I take proper time to say something and to understand it. If you know me in person, you know I'm one with very few words, but trust me, every word carries weight.

So I hope you keep checking this site often. You're always welcome here.

Thanks for stopping by!